Pastor Amy and Living Pearl co-founder, Pastor Sasha surrounded by the beautiful Living Pearl kids during her trip to Ukraine last month.

Amy shares one of the moments that touched her heart during her visit, “It was early before my scheduled dinner time so I went to hang out with the kids at Living Pearl while they ate their dinner. What fun! I was so touched because two of the kids saw that I wasn’t eating, so they tore in half the small piece of meat on their plate and insisted I eat half. I tried to refuse so they would eat the full portion, but they wouldn’t budge. They shared with me all they had with such big hearts. What amazing kids these are!”

When Amy arrived at Living Pearl, she was greeted with tight hugs, hand-drawn hearts and 40 children excited to see their “Mama Amy”!

Pastor Amy’s recent trip to Ukraine included a Pastor’s & Leader’s Conference at Church of the Living God with attendees from New Zealand, Russia, Israel, Germany and many regions of Ukraine. Pastor Luka Robertson and Pastor Pauline Lockett from Hope Centre New Zealand joined Pastor Amy in ministry at this event.

A human trafficking awareness presentation was also held with the local church leaders.

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