About Freedom Prayer Ministry
Freedom Prayer Ministry (FPM) is a prayer modality that releases healing in hearts, breaks stronghold bondages and replaces believed lies with revealed truth by facilitating encounters with God’s presence. The result is lasting peace and joy in places that were previously painful and unfruitful.
Every prayer session is led by the Holy Spirit while the prayer minister follows a proven FPM framework to identify core issues, minister to the heart and lead the one being prayed for in a personal encounter with the Lord. The objective of every session is to obtain peace in an emotional place that was previously agitated, wounded or chaotic. The end result is a closer relationship with God and a release into another level of personal calling and identity.
In a prayer session, the focus is on Jesus and what He accomplished at the cross being applied to specific areas of the soul and heart. The experience is one that is gentle but deep, healing and liberating. The foundational scriptures are Is. 53:3-6, Is. 61:1-3, Romans 14:17, 2 Cor. 3:17 and 3 John 2.
The manual is also available in Russian language.
The manual is also available in Russian language.
About Freedom Prayer Ministry
Freedom Prayer Ministry (FPM) is a prayer modality that releases healing in hearts, breaks stronghold bondages and replaces believed lies with revealed truth by facilitating encounters with God’s presence. The result is lasting peace and joy in places that were previously painful and unfruitful.
Every prayer session is led by the Holy Spirit while the prayer minister follows a proven FPM framework to identify core issues, minister to the heart and lead the one being prayed for in a personal encounter with the Lord. The objective of every session is to obtain peace in an emotional place that was previously agitated, wounded or chaotic. The end result is a closer relationship with God and a release into another level of personal calling and identity.
In a prayer session, the focus is on Jesus and what He accomplished at the cross being applied to specific areas of the soul and heart. The experience is one that is gentle but deep, healing and liberating. The foundational scriptures are Is. 53:3-6, Is. 61:1-3, Romans 14:17, 2 Cor. 3:17 and 3 John 2.
In the past years I have had the privilege of training under Pastor Amy in Freedom Prayer Ministry. It has transformed the way we do healing ministry and pastoral care at Hope Centre NZ. Not only are the tools she teaches effective but also it gets to the root issues with people quickly. I would recommend FPM for every believer and as a tool set for every pastor in ministry today.
Twenty years ago, I gave a child up for adoption. Deep down I believed: “You gave your son away; what kind of mother gives her son away?” Whenever I thought of him over the years, it was so painful that I would busy my mind with other things. This became an automatic response and I don’t remember my mind ever being at peace.
When Amy led me in a Freedom Prayer session, I was terrified at first. I didn’t want to say these things out loud and expose the pain. But, through God’s gentleness along with Amy’s kind and patient way, I came to a place where I was willing to let that pain come out and God’s healing begin.
That Freedom Prayer session revealed the deep guilt, shame, and unforgiveness I had towards myself, but God’s truth was also revealed, and I was able to let Jesus pay for my guilt and shame. It was awesome! For the first time that I can remember, my mind was at peace!
I had a great chunk taken out of my soul after our son David was killed in a car accident in Dec 1986. My daughter was also in the accident barely surviving. What gnawed at me for over 20 years was the pain of having to tell her that her brother had died. Watching one lone tear run down her cheek, seeing the silent scream in her injured state left such an ache and grief in my heart. I thought I would just have to live with it until the day I died. After a time of FPM with Amy, I have to say with utmost honesty that the terrible pang of grief and dark nights of the soul simply left me! I have never had it back. I am so grateful for the healing!

Book a Session
Global Impact has a team of ministers who are trained in Freedom Prayer Ministry. Sessions can be scheduled in person or via video call, therefore location is not a hindrance. If you want to experience new levels of freedom, joy and peace, please contact Global Impact and book a session.
Schedule a Training
A comprehensive, basic training of Freedom Prayer Ministry facilitation for pastors and leaders can be scheduled with Ps. Amy Muranko. The training requires at least 3 full days (or 24 course hours) and a manual is supplied to each trainee. For more information, please contact Global Impact.
Book a Session
Global Impact has a team of ministers who are trained in Freedom Prayer Ministry. Sessions can be scheduled in person or via video call, therefore location is not a hindrance. If you want to experience new levels of freedom, joy and peace, please contact Global Impact and book a session.
Schedule a Training
A comprehensive, basic training of Freedom Prayer Ministry facilitation for pastors and leaders can be scheduled with Ps. Amy Muranko. The training requires at least 3 full days (or 24 course hours) and a manual is supplied to each trainee. For more information, please contact Global Impact.